

School ended last week, which means it's officially summer!
The last couple of weeks flew by so quickly. 
We were running around with end-of-year recitals at both daycare and school,
the spring semester activities ending and the last-minute shopping for teachers' gifts.
On their last day of school, the kids got to play on inflatable games, which made me realize
how our definition of the beginning of summer has made a full circle now that we're parents.

I don't have any memories of daycare so I can't say if I knew when summer started back then. But I remember back in elementary school we could bring our favorite board games to school on our last day. Then in high school, college and university, our last day was a day full of stress and excitement as we had our last exam on that day. Then we would spend the summer either working, traveling or taking some extra classes. Once we started full-time in the workforce, the beginning of summer didn't feel as official other than moving our Thursdays's happy hour to the outdoor 'terrasses' and trying not to sweat too much on our way to work. We were working all year-round and could travel anytime of the year.

Now that the kids are old enough to follow an academic schedule, it obliges us to plan our summer ahead of time to fully maximize the next two months and not take anything for granted. So this summer we'll be taking everything on a lighter note to fully enjoy the sun while it's here.

PS: I think I took a picture of everything at school this week just to make sure we don't forget anything about this special first year in kindergarten. His first teacher, his first friends, his first schoolbag and lunchbox, his first locker, the dropping-him off routine, etc. You name it, I've got a picture of it. And one day it will all be in a nice photo album. Right when I'm done with our wedding album.

When do you feel like Summer has officially started? I'd love to hear about it. Until then, this will be my 2014 summer kick-off song

Wishing you a lovely and hot summer. It is the season to eat frozen treats, everyday. 


Photo Credits: Kim-Anh Tran


  1. My Summer begins when:
    - I am walking home from an air-conditioned office and I get a sense of "ahhh I'm defrosting"
    - I smell BBQ everywhere I go
    - I wear pants maybe 2 times a month tops
    - I wear flip-flops everywhere (and leave 2 pairs of pumps at the office)
    - I drink a days’ worth of calories at 5 a 7's
    - Jazz Fest/Just for Laughs Fest happens
    - Every single highway and exit I take has a detour
    - My car always has an emergency kid's SPF/bathing suit/towel for my toddler
    - Our main summer events are mostly weddings
    - We talk about going to watch the fireworks , but never end up doing so (purposely)
    - We hardly ever watch TV to maximize on outdoor activities 
    - Mosquitos love to find me and leave their mark on me

  2. I was nodding at every item of your list Lalala! So true, Thanks!
